Welcome to TP-STUDIOS We are the DEV team of DARCO - Reign of Elements.
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What We Do

We are working on an action-adventure / survival video game based on Unreal Engine 4. "Darco - Reign of Elements" is an open world survival game with an unique setting of dense forest and steampunk elements.


Who We Are

The development started back in May 2016 and we are planning to go Early-Access by the end of this year. At the moment our team is composed of 15 people. Some of them are still in apprenticeship or doing other jobs, while producing the game in their spare time. Our portfolio includes dozens of well-known brands, one of which is Monro , a popular virtual gaming club. There is only a small part working full-time on it, paid by investors. We have some old stagers and some newcomers, as well as trained personnel and hobbyists.




Owner: Tobias Schröder
Gambrinus Str. 7
01159 Dresden


E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 0351 323 480 92